
The Spartan Fit App Workout of the Week: Full-Body Blast

Presented by Spartan Training®

Each week, Spartan Director of Training Sam Stauffer is providing select workouts from the Spartan Fit app. For the full Spartan training experience, delivering Spartan-designed workouts and race-like simulations, download the Spartan Fit app nowAnd for the full database of Spartan Fit app workout previews, click here.

The Full-Body Blast workout was pulled from the Spartan Conditioning collection, but this is no ordinary strength and conditioning workout. This workout is a VOD (video on demand), and I take you through a full-body workout, guiding you every step of the way. Plus, I have two rock-star SGX coaches assisting, taking you through a progressed and regressed version of each exercise, giving you plenty of options!

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The Workout

Although this is a full-on workout in the app — consisting of a warm-up, a strength section, and a conditioning section — below I will be taking you through the Tabata-style circuit that caps off the session. This is a 20-seconds-on (work), 20-seconds-off (rest) set-up. It will fly by and be over before you know it, leaving your lungs wondering what just happened! It's important to note that the "20 seconds off" isn't the kind of rest you’re used to. No. It will be active rest, meaning we’re working for the full four minutes.

Related: These At-Home Tabata Workouts Will Completely Light You Up

When the clock starts, begin with the burpees (or the chosen regression or progression). After 20 seconds, you will transition right into lateral bounding (or the chosen regression or progression) for another 20 seconds. This seemingly never-ending circuit will continue for four minutes total. Do your best not to stop until the clock runs all the way down. Get ready — it’s time to put in the work!

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The Set-Up

This workout is completely bodyweight. I suggest you keep a towel and water bottle nearby, as things can get spicy quickly!

The Conditioning Circuit

Perform four rounds of 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off.

Baseline Exercise — Burpee

A few key things should happen here to make the most of this exercise. (1) Your chest should touch the ground at the down position. (2) Your feet should leave the ground at the up position. (3) Your hands should clear the top of your ears during the jump. (4) There should be no forward lean while jumping.

Regression — Squat Thrust

The squat thrust is the immediate regression of the burpee. It takes out the push-up and jumping motion. This exercise is great for people unfamiliar with the burpee, or those with jumping limitations. 

Begin in a tall-standing position with your hips and knees fully extended. (You should be completely upright.) Drop your hands down to the ground in front of you and kick your feet back. You should land in a palm-plank (push-up) position. Return to a tall-standing position with your hips and knees fully extended. (You should end completely upright.)

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Progression — Leonidas Burpee

Born out of Spartan founder and CEO Joe De Sena’s maniacal brain, this exercise is the ultimate conditioning exercise. It’s a burpee with two push-ups at the down motion, rather than just one.

Baseline Exercise — Lateral Bound

Relish this part, as it’s the closest thing to "rest" you’re going to get. No matter how tired or fatigued you get, make sure to keep your form in check; your ankles are depending on it. Starting with the majority of your weight on one foot, you will explode off of that foot, landing on the opposite foot about 5-6 feet away. Imagine a line on the ground. Your goal is to land on that line continually.

Regression — Dragging Lateral Bound

This will be the same as above. The only difference is that you will slightly drag the trailing foot for added stability.

Progression — Continuous Lateral Bound

Rather than sticking each landing, your objective is to be as quick as possible. As soon as your foot lands, you will load and explode right into the next rep and continue until the clock runs out.

Get the entire workout, and more just like it, on the Spartan Fit app. AROO!

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