The 30-Day EXPLODE Workout Program With Poppy Livers

EXPLODE is a 30-day functional training program with professional athlete and coach Poppy Livers. It’s all about gaining a competitive edge. Or, as Poppy likes to say, “Get better or get beat!”
No matter your fitness level — beginner or advanced — Poppy Livers will challenge you to become your best self (and then some). You’ll learn his signature techniques and methodologies to react quicker, sprint faster, jump higher, and more. The 30-day EXPLODE program is Poppy’s playbook to athletic domination.
Related: These 3 Explosive Fitness Tests Will Expose Your Athletic Weaknesses
When it comes to nutrition, different training protocols may require different meal planning. To optimize your performance during training, on the course, or in competition, check out Poppy’s take on how to eat like an explosive athlete.
Ready to jump ahead and get started? Download the Spartan FIT app today and take on the first workout.
How Poppy Livers' EXPLODE Program Works
Each week is broken down into levels. Each level increases in difficulty as you progress through the program. There is also an initial “test of fitness” at the beginning and end of the program to evaluate your progress. Here’s how Poppy sets it up.
WEEK ONE is the RECRUIT level.
This is where he’ll show you the 101s of his signature training style for explosive power.
WEEK TWO is the ROOKIE level.
This week, you’ll work on improving everything you learned as a recruit.
Related: These Are the 5 Most Important Exercises for Explosive Power
WEEK THREE is the ATHLETE level.
At this stage, you’ve really developed impressive athletic skills. Poppy Livers will challenge you with even more explosive work, but you’ll feel increasingly confident from all of your previous experience.
WEEK FOUR is the ELITE level.
This is the peak of the program, and you’re ready for it. Poppy is going to throw everything he’s got at you. You’ll be uncomfortable at times, but never uncomfortable enough to quit.
Poppy Livers' Explosive Workout Structure
It will always be four different circuits, each circuit with three different exercises for time. You’re staying at circuit one for three rounds. The only thing that will change is the time you’ll be working and/or resting. You’ll progressively do more work (and more difficult work) with less rest throughout the entire program. Every workout in the program is full body.
This is a five day per week program, plus one active recovery day and one off day.
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Previews of the Workouts in Poppy Livers' EXPLODE Program
Day 1: RECRUIT 1
RECRUIT 1 is all about building lower-body strength and foundational core stability. With short rest periods, this workout will keep you moving and prepare you for what's to come in weeks 2, 3, and 4.
1A: Isometric Split Squat x 20 seconds
1B: Alternating Lunge Jump x 30 seconds
Rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
2A: 3-Point Plank x 20 seconds
2B: Hand Release Push-Up x 30 seconds
Rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
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3A: Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive x 20 seconds
3B: Supine Toe Touch x 30 seconds
Rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
4A: Lateral Bound to Bear Crawl (left side) x 20 seconds
4B: Plank Up-Down x 30 seconds
Rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
Day 9: ROOKIE 2
This is ROOKIE 2, a workout designed to build full-body strength and power. In this session, we are introducing compound movements. This workout is best paired with heavier weights.
Poppy Livers' Suggestion: Start with light-to-medium-sized dumbbells and kettlebells to master each movement. Once mastered, grab the heavier weights and get to it!
1A: Kettlebell Clean to Goblet Lateral Lunge x 30 seconds
1B: Banded Lateral Shuffle x 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
2A: Push-Up to Dumbbell Row x 30 seconds
2B: Two-Dumbbell Sit-Up to Shoulder Press x 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
3A: Kettlebell Deadlift to Goblet Clean x 30 seconds
3B: Kettlebell Deadlift to Bodyweight Jump Squat x 30 seconds
3C: V-Up x 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
4A: Plyometric Push-Up x 30 seconds
4B: Box Dip x 30 seconds
4C: Sit-Up x 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
Related: 6 Strategies Poppy Livers Uses for Fueling Explosive Power Workouts
Day 16: ATHLETE 4
Welcome to ATHLETE 4, a full-body strength workout. You'll need dumbbells for each circuit. At this point you are familiar with every move, but now the focus is on unilateral movements.
1A: Single-Leg Goblet Squat With Box x 30 seconds
1B: Bodyweight Squat to Box Jump x 45 seconds
Rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
2A: Supine Two-Dumbbell Chest Press x 30 seconds
2B: Alternating Single-Arm Double Plank Row x 30 seconds
2C: Isometric Bear Crawl x 45 seconds
Rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
3A: Single-Arm Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlift x 30 seconds
3B: Box Jump x 45 seconds
Rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
4A: Half-Kneeling Double-Arm Shoulder Press x 30 seconds
4B: Hand Release Push-Up x 60 seconds
Rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
Day 28: ELITE 6
This is ELITE 6, your final workout of Poppy Livers' EXPLODE program. Get ready to work your entire body with fast compound movements. The focus here is on quickness and power. The shorter rest periods are designed to keep you moving and your heart pumping.
1A: Two-Dumbbell Clean to Step-Up x 30 seconds
1B: Box Jump to Single-Leg Land x 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
2A: Half-Kneeling Single-Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press x 30 seconds
2B: Kettlebell Swing x 30 seconds
2C: Burpee to Tuck Jump x 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
3A: Bent-Over Dumbbell Row x 30 seconds
3B: Two-Kettlebell Clean x 30 seconds
3C: Palm Plank x 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
4A: Two-Kettlebell Overhead March x 30 seconds
4B: Standing Dumbbell Push Press x 30 seconds
4C: Tall-Kneeling to Standing to Box Jump x 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 rounds.
Ready to take on the 30-Day EXPLODE workout program with Poppy Livers? Download the Spartan FIT app today! Have some questions about the program? Join our Facebook group and follow our Instagram to interact with coaches like Poppy.