Spartan Running Training Plan | Day 13: Long Run

Welcome to Day 13 of the Spartan Running Training Plan.
You’re well on your way to being the best running you can be, Spartan. We’re celebrating that today with your second long run of the program. Sink into you steady pace and relax into your breathe. Today, you are running 6 miles. Enjoy your run.
Running Training Plan Workout: Day 13
The Warm Up
10 minute Jog
The Work Out
6 Mile Run
The Cool Down
Foam roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness.
Get mentally and physically ready for tomorrow’s running training plan workout: Day 14 of the Spartan Running Training Plan.
Or, see how far you’ve come by checking out the first installment of the Spartan Running Training Plan.
Getting ready to tackle a Spartan race? Download The Spartan 2018 Training Plan as your blueprint. #noexcuses