The Wrestler: Grappling With Power and Endurance

The Wrestler: Grappling With Power and Endurance
Presented by Spartan Training®

“The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing, in so far as it stands ready against the accidental and the unforeseen, and is not apt to fall.”

--Marcus Aurelius

Since the inception of Spartan in Pittsfield, Vermont, wrestling has always been held in high esteem. We'd have wrestling teams come and train with us. They'd learn from us; we'd learn from them.

Even if you aren't competitive, grappling will give you a great workout. It's fun. It's practical. It will get you ready for life.

A wrestler must have explosive power in the moment, yet the endurance to go the match.

A wrestler must be strong enough to control her opponent, yet agile and graceful enough to maneuver around her.

This workout marries power and endurance.

Ultimately, wrestling is about human versus human competition in its purest form. No gear. No tech.


Active Mobilizations

Dynamic Warm Up

75 Jumping Jacks

Main Set:

75 Burpees

30 Vertical Pancake Toss

5-30 Pistol Squats

5-30 Pull-ups

5-10 5 x 25' Bear Crawls



Today's Challenge: Try something new. Something that you will suck at. Yes, you read that right. 

I signed up for my wrestling team my senior year in high school with zero experience. Remember, this in a sport where kids start practicing before they can walk.

Guess what? I got destroyed every match. But I'm a better wrestler now than if I never tried.

It's ok to be worst in the class. That's because the Spartan that is last in the class is always better than the Spartan not in the class. Challenge yourself.

Want more bodyweight workouts? Eliminate your excuses. Download the Spartan Bodyweight Workout Plan.

The mission of the Spartan Workout of the Day is to empower all Spartans to get to the starting line by providing workouts, training plans, training articles and exercise tutorials. Whatever your ability, Spartan wants to give you the skills and conditioning needed to enjoy our races.