A 20-Minute Pancake Workout With Throws and Slams

A 20-Minute Pancake Workout With Throws and Slams
Presented by Spartan Training®

Grab a pancake. Throw it up and throw it down. Keep it simple. This 20-minute pancake workout will help you build total-body strength and stamina.

Warm-Up (5 minutes)

- 5 Squats
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Burpees

Repeat sequence at a slow pace for four full minutes. Start slow and gradually increase speed. Stretch it out as you ease into these moves.

Recover for one minute.

Related: 12 Days of Fitness: This Core Exercise Rules Them All

Main Set (12 minutes)

Vertical Toss

1-minute Vertical Pancake Toss (Then rest for 1 minute.)

Related: 12 Days of Fitness: The No-Excuses Dead Ball Workout

Squat to Overhead Press

1-minute Pancake Slams (Then rest for 1 minute.)

Related: 12 Days of Fitness: The Spartan 15 Bodyweight Workout Video

Cool Down (3 minutes)

Jog/walk or stretch, foam roll, or work on your acumobility.

Don't have a pancake? We've got you covered.

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