Workout of the Day: STRENGTH: June 28, 2017

"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials." --Seneca
Today you will improve your cardiovascular endurance as well as your muscular endurance with a focus on isometric holds. Remember to breathe while holding positions. Focus on expanding your diaphragm as you inhale. Breathe through your stomach, not your chest and shoulders.
Dynamic warm-up Run 15 minutes at a moderate pace
Main Set
- Wall Sit x 40 seconds
- 1 minute Box Jumps x 5 Plank x 30 seconds
- 1 minute Bear Crawl x 25 yards Dead Hang for maximum time
- Rest 90 seconds
Repeat x 6-8
Beginner Version: Run 5minutes in warm-up; perform 4-6 main sets Advanced Version: Run 25 minutes in warm-up; perform 8+ main sets