Workout of the Day: STRENGTH: July 17, 2017

“When deeds speak, words are nothing.”—African Proverb
Today, we continue to push your muscular endurance. We’ve changed some of the exercises you will be doing to keep you on your toes this week. Never get too comfortable.
For the greatest training effect use light to moderate weight and aim for perfect form and control with each repetition.
For a greater challenge, keep your rest time to 1 minute or less between sets.
Dynamic warm-up Jumping Jacks 2 x 20 Bear Crawl 2 x 25 yards
Main Set: Super Set Strength Circuit
A1. Push-Ups x 10-15 (Advanced: Decline push-ups) A2. Pull-Ups x 5-10 A3. Skull Crushers x 10 Rest 1 minute and repeat x 4
B1. Dips x 10-15 B2. Upright Row x 10-15 B3. Hanging Leg Raises x 5+ Rest 1 minute and repeat x 4
C1. Plank x 30 seconds Rest 1 minute C2. Pancake Slams x 10 Rest 1 minute and repeat x 3
Cool Down
Stretch and Foam Roll
Beginner Version: Reduce Rep Count Advanced Version: Increase Rep Count and/or resistance
Next Workout: ATHLETICISM: July 18, 2017