Workout of the Day: ATHLETICISM: September 26, 2017

Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory. --William Barclay
Body Weight Squat x 30 Push-up x 10-20 Jumping Jacks x 50
Main Set: AMRAP Intervals
Part I: Working Interval: Run, Box Jump, Pancake Slams
ADVANCED: Perform in order and repeat AMRAP in 30 minutes Run (treadmill incline or hill) x 2 min Box Jump x 10 Pancake Slams x 10
BEGINNER: Perform in order and repeat AMRAP in 30 minutes Run (treadmill incline or hill) x 2 min Box Jump x 5 Pancake Slams x 5
Part II Working Interval: 15-30 minute ruck.
Carry a Spartan pancake, kettlebell, dumbbell, rock, brick, weight-vest or log. Do this for 15-30 minutes.
Beginner Version: Reduce total Part I time to 30 minutes or less. Advanced Version: Increase total time for Part I up to 60 minutes. Then ruck for another hour.