Spartan 100: WOD: Athleticism: 10/17/17

Click each exercise to view a video that shows proper technique. Always perform each movement in a controlled and strict manner.
Warm up:
Run 10 minutes 75 Jumping Jacks 10 Burpees
Main set:
100-yard Sprint 10 Push-ups 1-minute rest
100-yard sprint 10 Jumping Lunges 1-minute rest
100-yard sprint 10 Pull-ups 1-minute rest
100-yard sprint 10 Burpees 1-minute rest
100-yard sprint 10 Bodyweight Squats 1-minute rest
100-yard sprint 30 Russian Twists 1-minute rest
Cool down:
Beginner Version: Perform main set 1x Advanced Version: Perform main set 2+x
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