Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises: Perfect Prep to Crush Every Workout

If you're facing a Spartan race obstacle, going hard out of the gate is not going to work out well. Dynamic warm-up exercises will get the blood moving to the muscle groups and fire up your nervous system. Five minutes is all you need to get this done.
As Spartans, we are required to utilize our body in the most obscurely functional of ways. From climbing over walls and picking up heavy objects to fighting gravity and running up and down a mountain, our body needs to be prepared for whatever is thrown at us. But how do we actually get prepared for this? The dynamic warm-up.
MORE: The 10 Best Exercises for a Dynamic Warm-Up
The purpose of the dynamic warm-up is to increase blood flow to the areas that will be working, and to wake up the nervous system throughout the body. A warm-up should be more than a quick stretch and a few burpees. Instead, you need to mimic movements that you will use consistently throughout the course.
Below, we have outlined a thorough total-body warm-up which will prepare you for both workouts and race day. A sound warm-up will translate into a sound training and racing experience. Try this five-minute workout before your training and races to become your strongest Spartan self. Aroo!
Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises to Max Your Workout
This dynamic warm-up exercises can be done in any open space, whether it’s a track, a gym, or your basement.
Jog - 1 Min
High Knees - 30 Seconds
Butt Kicks - 30 Seconds
High Kicks - 30 Seconds
Lateral Shuffles - 30 Seconds (each side)
Lateral Lunges - 10 (5 each side)
Bodyweight Squats - 10
Alternating Forward Lunges - 10 (5 each side)
*For a warm upper body, rotate your torso towards the side of the leg that is in front.
Push-Ups - 10
Single-Leg Reaches - 10 (5 each side)
Glute Bridges - 10