A Week of Proven, Spartan-Approved Weight Loss Workouts

Every individual has a differing story on how they discovered Spartan. From lifelong athletes to average Joes, there is no typical Spartan. For most, it all started with the desire to change.
This week, we are embracing those who are looking to change their lifestyle and to begin their weight loss journey.
During your weight loss training, you will be utilizing some of the most popular metabolic training techniques of today. You will perform a metabolic circuit, you will perform an EMOM (every minute on the minute), you will perform an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible), and you will try some traditional weightlifting. This week is designed to elevate your heart rate, but then keep it fluctuating to continually challenge you physically and mentally.
Monday - Push/ Pull Superset
During this workout, you will perform a push exercise, immediately followed by a pull exercise, with active rest between each set. Ideally, you will not take a traditional rest break between exercises.
Warm Up:
- 5 minute jog High Knees - 30 Seconds
- Butt Kicks - 30 Seconds High Kicks - 30 Seconds
- Lateral Shuffles - 30 Seconds (each side)
Main Set:
- 3x12 Pull Ups (Traditional, Assisted, or Inverted Row)
- 3x12 Pancake Squat and Press Active
- Rest: 30 Second Bear Crawl
- 3x12 Push Ups (Traditional, Incline, or Wall) 3x12 SL Pancake Reach Active - - Rest
- 30 Seconds Jumping Jacks
- 3x30 Second Plank 3x12 Dips Active Rest: 3x12 Burpees
Tuesday - Traditional HIIT
High-Intensity Interval Training is one of the easiest ways to shed body fat. Today, we will be performing a traditional 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest, high-intensity interval training session.
“High Intensity” is relative to your skill level. Choose exercises that will ramp up your heart rate similar to sprinting, then stop completely for 30 seconds. Push yourself through this workout. It is going to challenge you physically and mentally.
Warm Up:
5 minute jog
High Knees
- 30 Seconds Butt Kicks
- 30 Seconds High Kicks
- 30 Seconds Lateral Shuffles
- 30 Seconds (each side)
Main Set:
Ball Slams* - 30 Seconds
Rest - 30 Seconds
Battle Ropes* - 30 Seconds
Rest - 30 Seconds
Sprint* - 30 Seconds
Rest - 60 Seconds
Repeat 5 Times
*These exercises are examples of different ways you can get your high intensity “sprints”. Find an exercise that is challenging to you and that will push your heart rate into an aerobic zone.
Wednesday - AMRAP
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) is a form of training where you set a timer for an alloted period of time and you work through a circuit of exercises until the timer goes off. The harder you push yourself, the more rounds you make it through. Challenge yourself to work with minimal rest today.
Warm Up:
5 minute jog
High Knees- 30
Seconds Butt Kicks- 30
Seconds High Kicks - 30 Seconds
Lateral Shuffles - 30 Seconds (each side)
Main Set:
Allotted time: 15 minutes
15 Pancake Toss
15 Alternating Lunge Jumps
15 Power Push Ups
15 Ice Skaters
15 Pancake Russian Twists
15 Box Jumps
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Circuit Training
For today’s circuit training workout, you will perform one set of each exercise consecutively, rest, then repeat the circuit again.
Warm Up:
5 minute jog
High Knees - 30 Seconds
Butt Kicks - 30 Seconds
High Kicks - 30 Seconds
Lateral Shuffles - 30 Seconds (each side)
Main Set:
4x12 Swings
4x12 Jumping Pull Ups
4x12 Pancake Deadlifts
4x12 Bear Crawl
4x12 Lunge with Reach
4x12 Pancake with Reach
4x12 Broad Jumps
4x100m Suitcase Carry
4x12 Step Ups
4x12 Burpees
Rest: 60 seconds
Saturday - EMOM
Saturdays are the perfect day for a run. Today, that is not changing. You will be going out on a 15-minute jog (or cardio that suits your needs). With this 15 minute jog, however, you will also be performing an EMOM (every minute on the minute). You will jog for 1 minute, then perform the following 3 exercises, then continue on with your jog. Have a timer to go off every minute. The quicker you finish your exercise set, the more ground you will cover in your jog. Good luck.
Allotted Time: 15 minutes
5 Bodyweight Squats 5 Push Ups 5 Burpees