Stadium Sprint Training Plan: Day 3 - Push Workout

Versatility is the most important characteristic in any Spartan. In order to create the most versatile and well-rounded athlete, we must focus on pushing as much as we do pulling. Pushing will help to power you up the stairs, throw a spear, slam a ball, and develop the most efficient of burpees. This is why we will perform a push workout today.
Focus on your pushing form to encourage maximum muscle utilization to make each exercise effective.
Related: 3 Essential Slam Ball Workouts
Stadium Sprint Training Plan: Push Workout
Main Set:
This workout is designed with 1 singular explosive exercise immediately followed by 3 supersets. Perform each exercise in superset once before doing the super set again. The last superset is a HIIT burnout set.
Start with:
Sled/ Plate/ Pancake Floor Push - 4 sets of 50 yards speedy (8 RPE)
- To perform this, place your pancake on a floor thats easy to slide along. With your hands on the sides of the pancake, focus on your glutes as you push along the ground, propelling the pancake forward.
Super set 1:
Goblet Squat - 4 sets of 6 (8 RPE)
Push Ups - 4 sets of 6-10 based on your skill level (8RPE)
- Choose the push up variation (incline, floor level, decline) specific to your skill.
- Tip: Challenge yourself to stay off the knees. Instead, recover in a downward dog between each rep.
Related: How to Do Plyometric Push-Ups for Power
Super Set 2:
Squat and Press - 4 sets of 10 (7RPE)
- Intermediate: Try holding a pancake/ weight in each hand
- Advanced: Try holding one pancake or weight in one hand. You will need to perform this exercises for both sides 4 times.
Step Ups - 4 sets of 10 (7 RPE)
- Tip: Where you hold your pancake will change the resistance placed on the body. Find a grip and positioning thats challenging for you.
Super Set 3:
Pancake Slams - 4 sets of 20 seconds with 20 seconds rest (8 RPE)
Plank - 4 sets of 20 seconds with 20 seconds rest (8 RPE)
This last superset is a mini HIIT burnout round. Perform one set of slams and one set of planks in succession with 20 seconds rest in between each exercise.
Related: Tight for Time? Do This QUICK HIIT Workout to Build Power and De-Stress
Cool Down
Pull out your favorite Spartan RAM Roller. Spend anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes on each muscle, depending on tightness.
Today, you will want to release your:
- Pecs (below the front of your shoulder socket)
- Calfs (lower leg)
- Hamstrings (back of upper leg)
- IT Band (outer hip to your outer knee)
A more advanced Spartan may also require a hip flexor releases just above your front hip bone.
Related: 8 Essential Post-Race Recovery Yoga Exercises Every Endurance Athlete Should Do
Ready for tomorrow? Tackle the Spartan Stadium Sprint Plan: Day 4 or start Stadium Sprint Training Plan from the beginning: Spartan Sprint Training Plan: Day 1.