Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 24 - Pushing

Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 24 - Pushing
Presented by Spartan Training®

This will be the last intense workout of this taper week.

Today, we are allowing our pushing muscles their opportunity to see massive strength gains. Our intensity (weight lifted) will remain the same from our last 3 weeks, but our sets and repetitions are decreasing to allow our body the active recovery it needs.


This workout is designed in supersets. Complete each exercise in corresponding number once before beginning back at the start of the set. Adequate sets, repetitions, and intervals are listed based on the aim of each exercise.


Dynamic Warm Up

Work Out

1 – Pancake Slams – 3×8 (8 RPE)

1 – Cook Hip Lift on Bench 3×8(8RPE)

Rest 0-30 seconds between sets

2 – Goblet Squat – 3×8 (8 RPE)

2 – Single Arm Floor Press – 3×8 (8 RPE)

2 – Pancake Lift and Chop – 3×8 (8 RPE)

Rest 0-30 seconds between sets

3 – Step Ups – 3×8 (8 RPE)

3 – Overhead Press – 3×8 (8 RPE)

3 – Windmill – 3×8 (8 RPE)

Rest 0-30 seconds between sets

4 – Front Raise – 3×8 (8 RPE)

4 – Bulgarian Split Squats – 3×8 (8 RPE)

4 – Burpees – 3×8 (8 RPE)

Cool Down

Foam Roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness

Ready for tomorrow?

Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 25

Start from the beginning? 

Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 1

Upcoming Spartan Race Schedule