Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 22 - Pulling

Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 22 - Pulling
Presented by Spartan Training®

It’s been a challenging 3 weeks of training, Spartan. This week is geared towards tapering and giving your body active rest. This allows your body the time it needs to catch up to your newest strength gains.

As with all tapering weeks, we do not decrease our intensity (weight lifted), just our training volume. For those who have synchronized their training schedule with their Spartan Race Beast, this taper is going to be even more crucial. Listen to your body this week. The purpose of this “active recovery” week is to maintain your strength, while conserving energy for the increased demands that your body will endure for once it hits that course this weekend. Whether you’re racing over the weekend, or preparing to start your next Spartan training program on Monday, your body will need the energy.


This workout is designed in supersets. Complete each exercise in corresponding number once before beginning back at the start of the set. Adequate sets, repetitions, and intervals are listed based on the aim of each exercise.


Dynamic Warm Up

Main Set: 

1 – Dead Hang to Pull Up – 3×5 with 10 second hold  (RPE 6-7)

1 – Bear Crawl – 3x :30 (RPE 6-7)

Minimize your rest between exercises. 0-30 Seconds Max.

2 – Dead Lift – 3×8 (RPE 6-7)

2 – Bent Over Row – 3×8 (RPE 6-7)

2 – Single Arm Farmers Carry Uphill – 3 x 100m (RPE 6-7)

Rest: 30 seconds between sets

3 – Walking Lunge with Goblet Hold – 3×8 (RPE 6-7)

3 – Hip Lift Pull-Over – 3×8 (RPE 6-7)

3 – Body Saw – 5×12 (RPE 6-7)

Rest: 30 seconds between sets

Burn Out

  1. Sprint 100 m (RPE 9)
  2. Hanging Leg Raise x8 (RPE 8-9)
  3. Bucket Carry 100 m (RPE 8-9)

Perform 4 Sets. If possible, do not rest between sets.

Cool Down

Foam Roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness.

Ready for tomorrow?

Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 23

Start from the beginning? 

Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 1

Upcoming Spartan Race Schedule