
Spartan Running Training Plan | Day 6: Endurance

Spartan Running Training Plan | Day 6: Endurance
Presented by Spartan Training®

Today, we introduce our long run Saturdays. During your long runs, find a pace where you can stay moving for the entire duration of the workout. Head out to your favorite trail, explore a new park, or find a serene place where you can get lost in your surroundings and just run. Simply running is the best thing you can do to become a true runner.

Running Training Plan Workout: Day 6

The Warm Up

Active Mobilizations

Dynamic Warm Up

10 minute Jog

The Workout

4 Mile Run

The Cool Down

Foam Roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness

Get mentally and physically ready for tomorrow’s running training plan workout: Day 7 of the Spartan Running Training Plan.

Or, see how far you’ve come by checking out the first installment of the Spartan Running Training Plan.

Getting ready to tackle a Spartan race? Download The Spartan 2018 Training Plan as your blueprint. #noexcuses