Monkey Bar Training: Week 4 / 2019 WOD

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The monkey bars aren't going anywhere in 2019. It's time to finally keep your grip and ring that bell after swinging your way from start to finish.
Get ready by doing the following week of training to the best of your abilities. We write our workouts so that they can be scaled for all levels easily. Designed to use the most minimal amount of gear, they can always be performed outdoors.
Check out this quick overview of the Monkey Bars and then get ready to start your training:
Week 4 of January Obstacle Bootcamp
Always start your workouts with a warm-up and finish them with some mobility stretches. These 5-10 minutes are vital to your overall health and performance.
2019 WOD: Day 22: January 22, 2019
Max Burpees in 5 Minutes Max Body Weight Jump Squats 5 Minutes Max Pancake Slams 5 Minutes Max Pushups in 5 minutes Max Tuck Jumps in 5 Minutes Dead Hang, Accumulated time of 5 Min - How many times did you drop?
5 minutes of a continuous exercise is a long time. You need to pace yourself. Especially when you are doing a total of 30 minutes of non stop exercises. Find a rhythm that you can sustain.
Need a Spartan Pancake? Make a makeshift one by using a pillowcase, sand/gravel and duct tape.
2019 WOD: Day 23: January 23, 2019
4 Rounds:
30 Seconds Jumping Jacks 30 Seconds High Knees 30 Seconds Butt Kicks 30 Seconds Squats 12 Wide Pushups 12 Resistance Band Press* 12 Resistance Band Push Up 20 Burpees Repeat x4
*If you do not have resistance bands feel free to improvise. Simply do these movements bodyweight. Never use not having a piece of gear serve as an excuse.
2019 WOD: Day 24: January 24, 2019
45 Seconds Jumping Jacks 45 Seconds Burpees 20 Sandbag Slam 15 Single Arm Resistance Band Row 10/side Lateral Sandbag Slam 15 Double Arm Resistance Band Row 20 Superman w/1-second hold 8 Single Arm Row, Cable or Dumbbell Repeat x3
2019 WOD: Day 25: January 25, 2019
2 mile run 1 min plank 50 mountain climbers Repeat x3
2019 WOD: Day 26: January 26, 2019
20 Lunges/leg 20 Tuck Jumps 20 Prisoner Squats 20 Lateral Lunge/leg 20 Sandbag Front Squats Repeat x4
Our mission with the Spartan Workout of the Day is to ensure that Spartan have a 365-day guide on how to be stronger, more resilient, and, of course, faster on the race course.