2 Burpee-Prep Workouts That Every First-Time Spartan Racer Should Do

2 Burpee-Prep Workouts That Every First-Time Spartan Racer Should Do
Presented by Spartan Training®

If you’re a Spartan first-timer or returning to the course after a long break, it’s pretty much a guarantee that you’re going to be doing at least 30 burpees on race day. Whether it’s the super-technical and awkward Olympus Wall that gets you, a slippery Rope Climb on a pair of fried arms, or that damn Spear Throw, you probably will be doing burpees. Fitness model, online coach, and Trifecta Nutrition athlete Michael Dean knew what he’d be in for at his first race, so he came prepared to rip through his burpee penalties if necessary. 

Related: 3 Training Mistakes That First-Time Spartan Racers NEED to Avoid

“You need to be ready for burpees, because doing burpees on the course becomes a reality for most first-timers,” he says. 

Instead of just banging out a bunch of burpees everyday ahead of the race, Dean takes a smarter approach that will build you up slowly.

“You could just practice 100 burpees per day, but to be honest, that would get boring quickly and open yourself up to possible injury from doing the same repetitive movement,” he says. 

Dean suggests adding in the following two routines to your current training plan before you hit the Spartan course for the first time. If you’re going to follow his 4-week Spartan Lean Muscle Training plan, you can alternate between the two of these and add them at the end of your strength days. According to Dean, these workouts will build up different aspects of the burpee, like being in the plank or start position, pushing, jumping, and landing. Let's get started. 

Related: How to Eat to Build Lean Muscle While Maintaining Top Racing Speed

2 Michael Dean Workouts That Will Prep You for Spartan Race Burpees

michael dean workouts

Burpee-Prep Workout 1

Circuit 1: Complete 3 rounds with 30 seconds between each round.

1. Burpees x 5 

Circuit 2: Complete 3 rounds with 30 seconds between each round.

2A. Jump Squat x 10

2B. Mountain Climber x 30

2C. Toe Touchers (or Jump Tucks) x 10

Circuit 3: Complete 3 rounds with 30 seconds between each round.

3A. Standing Knee-to-Elbow Crunch x 20 

3B. Plank Walk-Out x 5

3C. Jumping Split Squats x 20 (10 per side)

Related: How Michael Dean Puts His Lean, Muscular Physique to the Spartan Test

Burpee-Prep Workout 2

Circuit 1: Complete 2 rounds with 30 seconds between each round.

1A. Bodyweight Squats x 50

1B. Push-Ups x 25

Circuit 2: Complete 2 rounds with 30 seconds between each round.

2A. High Plank x 60 seconds

2B. Jump Rope x 100

Circuit 3: Complete 2 rounds with 30 seconds between each round.

3. Burpee With No Push-Up x 10

Spartan Trifecta Nutrition