
Nobody likes to perform lunges. This unilateral exercise is incredibly deceiving on the body. While they appear to be a double leg exercise, lunges actually use each leg separately, one for stability, and one for strength. This is what makes them so vital to Spartan training. Lunge form is crucial.
Forward Lunge Form
- To perform the perfect lunge, take a step forward and lower your body to where your front and back leg both form a 90-degree angle. Your back knee should come to a hover above the ground while maintaining an upright position through your upper body.
- Once you have reached your adequate depth, push the ground away from your front foot and pull your body back to where your front leg meets your back leg. For a novice Spartan, start by alternating legs for each rep. The goal of lunges is to perform a full set on one leg before switching to the other side.
As a Spartan, you need to consistently work your lunges to build single leg strength for climbing up hills and mountains, and particularly for running up the Spartan Race Stadium Series stairs. Lunges work both your strength in the leg that you keep your weight over, and stability in the hips, knees, and ankles in the leg that pulls you back to the starting position.
Walking lunges are performed when moving forward while doing alternating lunges. Lunge a mile, and you will have had an enormous workout.
The lunge is an exercise that is similar to a split squat.