Crush Your Week: 5 Obstacle-Prep Jump Rope Workouts

This week’s workouts — courtesy of Spartan SGX Coach Nina Nelson — take a minimalist approach, with the jump rope making an appearance every day this week. You won’t need much else to work up a great sweat and push your limits.
They may look simple, but these workouts are designed to test your mind as well as your body. Use the first round each day to set your pace with the goal of maintaining it the entire workout, which means don’t kill yourself on that first round! Try to hit the same reps/time per round for the rest of the workout, and when you hit that final round and think about pulling back a bit — don’t. You’ve got this.
What are the benefits of jump rope workouts?
If you're wondering if working out with a jump rope is really worth it, consider these benefits:
- Increased heart rate variability
- Portability – train anywhere!
- Improved cardiovascular health and endurance
- Full-body muscular endurance
- Highly efficient
Workout: Fight for It
A 3-round circuit workout with 60 seconds of rest between rounds.
- 1 minute KB snatches
- 1 minute of burpees
- 1 minute of jump roping
- 1 minute of goblet squats
- 1-minute lunge holding KB
Workout: Up in Arms
Four separate, 8-round Tabata workouts (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off). Perform all 8 rounds of each before moving onto the next with no rest between rounds.
- Tabata I: Push-ups
- Tabata II: Jump rope
- Tabata III: Single-arm dumbbell press
Tabata IV: Mountain climbers
Workout: No Playing Hooky
A 15-minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) with no rest between rounds.
- 25 single jumps
- 60-second bear crawl
- 25 single jumps
- 60-second crab walk
Workout: Push to the End
Perform 4 rounds of the following circuit for time.
- 20 sit-ups
- 40 single jumps
- 20 step-ups holding a dumbbell or kettlebell
- 400-meter run
Workout: Mind Games
A 16-minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) where you'll perform the required reps and then rest the remainder of every minute. Repeat the circuit until 16 minutes has gone by.
- 5 burpees
- 10 kettlebell snatches
- 20 single jumps