Crush Your Week With These 5 Obstacle-Prep Jump Rope Workouts

Crush Your Week With These 5 Obstacle-Prep Jump Rope Workouts
Presented by Spartan Training®

We want you to crush each and every week, so every Sunday we're supplying you with five efficient workouts that you can do any time — and anywhere — to maximize your potential and make the most of every day.

This week’s workouts — courtesy of Spartan SGX Coach Nina Nelson — take a minimalist approach, with the jump rope making an appearance every day this week. You won’t need much else to work up a great sweat and push your limits.

Related: Your Unbreakable Day: A 60-Minute Jump-Rope Workout, Then Wind Down With a Legend

They may look simple, but these workouts are designed to test your mind as well as your body. Use the first round each day to set your pace with the goal of maintaining it the entire workout, which means don’t kill yourself on that first round! Try to hit the same reps/time per round for the rest of the workout, and when you hit that final round and think about pulling back a bit — don’t. You’ve got this.

Check out the full week of workouts below, complete with step-by-step instructions. (If you click on the image, you can zoom in and make it full screen.) Also, make sure to click here to get the full database of Crush the Week workouts, and sign up for our weekly Crush the Week newsletter to get these plans delivered straight to your inbox every Sunday.

  Jump Rope Workouts to Prep for OCR


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