
How the Olympic Games Inspired the Creation of DEKA

How the Olympic Games Inspired the Creation of DEKA
Presented by Spartan Training®

DEKA is The Decathlon of Functional Fitness. It consists of indoor fitness competitions and motivational training programs designed for ALL levels. Take your OCR game to a whole new level and embrace the DEKA challenge. Sign up for our first DEKA event NOW. It’s YOU vs. YOU … What will be your DEKA score? #DEKA. More locations to follow.

“The Greeks took an immense level of pride in maintaining their bodies and displaying their physical capabilities, so they wanted to be able to test themselves and compete against one another, resulting in the first true form of competition.”

The Olympics have always been a highly-anticipated event. Dating all the way back to 776 B.C., athletes in Greece would gather together in order to compete as a means to please Zeus, the king of the Greek Gods. This showing of competition was so respected that it pushed city-states to call truces in the middle of wartime in order to continue the Olympic tradition. While the Ancient Games ended in 394 A.D., the Olympics were revived and expanded in 1896, in Athens, Greece. Since then, the creativity and dedication of athletes and coaches from all over the world have helped turn the Olympics into the most beloved event in the history of sports and fitness.

The conception and creation of the Olympics showed a level of innovation that was well ahead of its time. The Greeks took an immense level of pride in maintaining their bodies and displaying their physical capabilities, so they wanted to be able to test themselves and compete against one another, resulting in the first true form of competition. Thousands of years later, the Olympics are still met with the same level of respect, excitement, and competition. The Olympics, a timeless tribute to testing one’s abilities, has played a crucial role in the development of both DEKA and Spartan Race. But DEKA takes it one step further by ensuring every level of fitness can be tested on the same day, in the same DEKA Arena.

For everything DEKA, including workouts and tips, click here.


Related: What is DEKA? The Modern-Day Decathlon of Fitness

While it isn’t hard to see how the history of the Olympics has inspired our brand and mission, it can also be found all over the DEKA Arena. We take pride in finding new and exciting ways to challenge athletes through a series of functional movements that have been around since the beginning of time. We use movements like running, squatting, lifting, pushing, pulling, pressing, and jumping every day in order to accomplish life’s most common tasks and challenges. DEKA takes these basic movements and molds them into challenging exercises for each DEKA Zone, helping athletes fine-tune their strengths, improve on their areas of weakness, and reach their goals of improving both their fitness and overall well-being.

Related: The DEKA Challenge: How the Competition's Zones + Timing Work

Amp up your fitness and wellness routine NOW. Click here to find a DEKA event close to you!