HIIT Running Workouts: 10-Minute Run Workout Basics

HIIT Running Workouts: 10-Minute Run Workout Basics
Presented by Spartan Training®

This weekly workout running plan, built around 10-minute intervals, is two things at the same time: a killer of lame excuses and a highly-charged week of footwork and both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Try our 10-minute weekly run plan based on HIIT (high-intensity interval training) in the Tabata-style spirit. A good HIIT running workout has similar structural qualities to Tabata training, and is shown to offer considerable improvements to aerobic capacity and VO2max in a short blast of time. Sound too good to be true? What will make a believer out of any doubter is actually DOING a HIIT running workout. The answer to the question of why they work so well becomes instantly apparent just a few minutes in.

The HIIT Running Workout: A Tool for the Time-Stressed

This isn't about making an argument for or against the low-intensity/high-volume running model versus the high-intensity/interval-based approach. It's more about making the argument that if your life is jam-packed with responsibilities and commitments, there are options on the table—like a blazing HIIT running workout— for you to keep yourself on the path.

Related: 6 Drinks to Speed Up Your Recovery

10 Minute Weekly Running Workout Plan

Monday HIIT Running Workout: Simple Progressive Run

For a workout like this, grab your watch and run out your front door.

Stick to roads immediately around your house. Don't overthink things. Just breath in the fresh air, move, and adjust your intensity.

  • 1-minute slow jog
  • 1-minute jog
  • 30 seconds walk
  • 1-minute moderate run
  • 30 seconds walk
  • 1-minute run
  • 30 seconds walk
  • 1-minute hard run
  • 30 seconds walk
  • 1:30-minute hard run
  • 1-minute walk

Tuesday: Run + Burpees

  • 1 minute
  • 2 minutes easy run
  • 20 seconds burpees
  • 40 seconds walk
  • 20 seconds burpees (fast)
  • 40 seconds recovery
  • 20 seconds burpees (fast)
  • 40 seconds recovery
  • 2 minutes hard run on hills
  • 2 minutes run

Related: How to Run Faster

Wednesday: Running & Pull-Ups

I like to start this workout at an outdoor pull-up bar. If in my neighborhood, I'll run from my house to the playground for the first two minutes.

  • 1-minute run away from pull-up bar
  • 1-minute run back to pull-up bar
  • 1-minute pull-ups or dead hang
  • 30 seconds rest
  • 1-minute run away from pull-up bar (get farther in distance)
  • 1-minute run back to pull-up bar
  • 1-minute pull-ups or dead hang
  • 30 seconds rest
  • 1-minute run away from pull-up bar (farthest-distance run)
  • 1-minute run back to pull-up bar
  • 1-minute pull-ups or dead hang

Thursday: Recovery

Friday: Hill Sprints

Take the first three minutes of this workout to run to a hill if you can.

  • 1-minute jog
  • 2 minutes jog
  • 20 seconds hill sprint
  • 40 seconds recovery
  • 20 seconds hill sprint
  • 40 seconds recovery
  • 20 seconds hill sprint
  • 40 seconds recovery
  • 3 minutes hard run
  • 1-minute recovery
  • 1-minute burpees

Saturday: Buck Furpees

You can do this in your backyard, running in a circle, if most convenient.

1-minute run

1-minute burpees


Sunday: Recovery

10-Minute Run Workout Basics

Keep it simple, not easy — The 10-minute workout isn't meant to be a breeze. They aren't very complicated, but that doesn't make them easy. You can open a world of hurt for yourself with 10 minutes and the right attitude.

Pace yourself  — Start slowly with a 10-minute workout. Yes, it's short, but you need to warm yourself up. Give yourself at least two minutes before you kick into gear.

Just Head Outside — The best way to do a short run workout is to just run out your front door.

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