Functional Strength Exercises to Boost Your Power

Life is hectic. We get it. But that doesn’t mean your workouts should suffer. Functional strength training is all about training for movement, not muscle. And it’s exactly the kind of preparation you need for obstacle course racing, where you’ll be constantly confronting different challenges.
These daily circuits work total-body movement patterns and movement efficiency by mimicking the kind of moves you might need on the course or even in your day-to-day routine. They’re not super complex, so you can go into cruise control without sacrificing the quality of your workout. But they will train your muscles to react in certain ways, so that you don’t have to waste time thinking about your actions on the race course—you can just power through.
With this month-long, comprehensive program, you’ll be ready for races in no time.
Week 1
Functional Strength Workout: Day 1
Dynamic Warm-up: Complete 1 set of the moves below.
Walking Lateral Lunge with Reach: 10 yards
Hinge with Reach: 10 yards
Lateral Shuffle: 10 yards to each side
Inchworm with Push-up: 10 yards
Lateral Crawl with Push-up: 5 yards each side
Strength + Strength: Complete 3 sets of each circuit with a brief rest in between.
Kettlebell Deadlift: 12 reps
Traditional Push-up: 12 reps
Dynamic Plank: 60 seconds
Dual-Racked Squat: 12 reps Split-Stance
Row: 8 reps on each side
Anti-Rotational Press: 8 reps on each side
Bucket Carry: 10 yards
Functional Strength Workout: Day 2
Active stretching warm-up: Complete 1 set of the moves below.
Half-Kneeling Hip Flexor Active Stretch: 8 reps on each side
90s Stretch: 8 reps on each side
Posterior Hip Rock: 8 reps on each side
Kneeling Adductor Active Stretch: 8 reps on each side
Half-Kneeling Hamstring Active Stretch: 8 reps on each side
Power + Strength: Complete 3 sets of each circuit with a brief rest in between.
Crossover to Stick: 8 reps on each side
Tall-kneeling Overhead Slam: 12 reps on each side
Explosive Lateral Step-up: 8 reps on each side
Goblet Reverse Lunge: 8 reps on each side
Palm Plank Row: 8 reps on each side
Superband Lift/Chop: 8 reps on each side
Kettlebell-Racked Carry: 10 yards
Related Links: Can You Become Super Fit With Just a Full-Body Kettlebell Workout?
Functional Strength Workout: Day 3
Joint stabilization warm-up: Complete 1 set of the moves below.
Prone Cobra: 12 reps Overhead
Toe Touch to Squat: 10 reps
Miniband Squat: 10 reps
Floor Shoulder Slide: 12 reps
Quadruped Hip Extension: 12 reps on each side
Speed, Agility, and Quickness + Endurance: Complete each circuit below for the number of sets and reps indicated with a brief rest in between.
Lateral In, In, Out, Out: 4 sets forward and backward
Hopscotch: 4 sets forward and backward
Hip Switch: 4 sets forward and backward
Lateral Bound: 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest
Kettlebell Swing: 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest
Airbike Sprint: 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest
Functional Strength Workout: Day 4
Self-Myofascial Release Deep Breathing: 2 sets of 10 breaths
Neck Stretch Circuit: 2 sets of 30 seconds each
Superband Lat Stretch: 2 sets of 30 seconds each
Arm Circles: 2 sets of 10 forward and back
Reaching Single-Leg Deadlift with 10-Second Hold: 2 sets of 3 each side
Single-Leg Hip Lift with
Psoas Activation: 2 sets of 8 each side
Active Plank: 2 sets of 60 seconds Spiderman
T-spine Rotation: 2 sets of 8 each side
Functional Strength Workout: Day 5
Crawling warm-up: Complete 1 set of the moves below.
Bear Crawl: 10 yards
Crab Walk: 10 yards
Lateral Gorilla: 10 yards each side
Bear to Crab: 10 yards
Lateral Crawl: 5 yards each side
Strength + Strength: Complete 3 sets of each circuit with a brief rest in between.
Single-Leg Hip Lift: 8 reps on each side
Floor Chest Press: 12 reps
Bodysaw to Pike: 12 reps
Split squat: 3 sets of 8 each side
Quadruped row: 8 reps on each side
Horizontal chop: 8 reps on each side
Suitcase carry: 10 yards
Functional Strength Workout: Day 6
Active stretching + mobility: Complete 1 set of the moves below.
Reaching Single-Leg Deadlift: 10 yards
Lateral Leg Swing: 10 reps on each side
Squat to Hip Opener: 10 reps
Half Kneeling Ankle Drive: 8 reps on each side
Reaching Lateral Squat: 8 reps on each side
Endurance: Complete each circuit below for the number of sets and reps indicated with a brief rest in between.
Alternating Lunge Jump: 3 sets of 20 reps
Kettlebell Swing: 3 sets of 12 reps
Hanging Knee Tuck: 3 sets of 15 reps
Straight-Leg Strict Sit-ups: 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest Bodyweight Squat: 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest
Lateral Lunge to Jump: 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest
Functional Strength Workout: Day 7
Active recovery warmup + Jog:
Self-Myofascial Release Deep Breathing: 10 breaths
Standing Adductor Active Stretch: 6 reps on each side
Standing Hamstring Active Stretch: 6 reps on each side
Walking Leg Cradle: 2 sets of 10 reps on each side
Walking Heel to Butt with Reach: 2 sets of 10 reps on each side
Alternating Lateral Squat: 2 sets of 8 reps on each side
Stagger-Step Hinge w/ Reach: 2 sets of 8 reps on each side 5K Jog