What You Need to Know About Being a DEKA Athlete

What You Need to Know About Being a DEKA Athlete
Presented by Spartan Training®

DEKA is The Decathlon of Functional Fitness. It consists of indoor fitness competitions and motivational training programs designed for ALL levels. Take your OCR game to a whole new level and embrace the DEKA challenge. Sign up for our first DEKA event NOW.

Group training and competition in the fitness world is skyrocketing in popularity. As such, we wanted to develop something that would not only stand out, but also stand the test of time. Enter DEKA, the first-ever functional fitness decathlon. 

MORE: 5 Things You Don't Know About DEKA FIT (and Why It Will Change Your Life)

This isn't a group class or a boutique gym (though we wholly support the impact that those experiences have on fitness culture). DEKA is a standardized test that will give athletes — remember, everyone is an athlete here — of all skill levels, from anywhere around the world, an honest assessment of their current state of fitness. DEKA athletes will complete 10 unique exercise challenges and run a total of 5 kilometers (3.1 miles). It is an unforgettable and effective way to train, test, and compete. 

Defining DEKA Athletes

DEKAFIT Athletes

DEKA is not just for elite athletes. This is an opportunity for anyone at any fitness level to be tested as they work toward achieving their own personal level of excellence. While each athlete will fall under a specific category, we created DEKA as a way for athletes of each and every fitness level to come together and be able to test, train, and compete in the same arena, on the same day. 

Athlete Categories

  • Elite Men
  • Open Men
  • Elite Women
  • Open Women

Open Category Age Groups

  • 14-18
  • 18-24
  • 25-29
  • 30-34
  • 35-39
  • 40-44
  • 45-49
  • 50-54
  • 55-59
  • 60+

    Related: The DEKA Challenge: How the Competition’s Zones and Timing Work

    Spartan racers are prime candidates for crushing DEKA FIT's 10 functional fitness zones and 5K run. However, we’re also counting on everyone — from CrossFitters to marathoners to anyone at all looking for a challenge — to come out and become DEKA athletes by competing with the common goal of achieving a better level of fitness.