Gear Essentials to Equip You For This New Era of Outdoor Training, Put to the Test

How we train has dramatically changed in 2020… there’s no doubt about it. Gone are the days of gym sessions on a whim. Even with reservation systems, being inside in places where people are breathing and sweating in tandem is a risk. Thankfully, we Spartans are used to training outdoors. But add winter to the mix, with chilly temps and decreasing daylight, and even we may have to get creative with our workouts — especially when late-night gym access is a no-go.
The key? Ensuring you have proper cold-weather gear to keep up with you, like Spartan by CRAFT — engineered by OCR athletes, for OCR athletes. Think: major moisture transport, ventilation, breathability, durability and thermoregulation technology — so you can tackle your workouts worry free, especially when it's brutally dark, cold, or both.
Related: Extreme Training: The Ultimate Tech Apparel for All-Things Winter Workouts
As a fun experiment, we outfitted two buddies, both Spartan Racers and endurance athletes who now live states apart, with Spartan by CRAFT winter gear and RD Pros. Then, we sent them into the field to get real time data.
The assignment: We told them to run, hike, burpee, pull up, do whatever they normally do for workouts and beat the hell out of the gear, Spartan style.
The goal: To discover if the gear could indeed withstand a spanking, from the midwest’s frigid, icy trails to the south’s humid, gator-infested swampland. Afterward, we peppered them with questions on the gear’s performance and how they train to stay sane during these crazy times.
Why? Community is a Spartan core value. It’s more important than ever to remember we’re all in this together. Sure, it may feel like you’re out there solo, running, sweating, burpee-ing and hacking it. (These guys send adventures together constantly and Covid put a damper on their race plans.) But, just like them, in true Spartan spirit, you’re never alone. We stick together. Hell, that random runner you see on your 5 a.m. jog is probably a Spartan, too.
Now is not the time to let our training slip. No matter how cold or dark out it is, or how desperate to stay in bed you are, there are no excuses. We’ve prepared for this moment all year long. So bring on winter 2020, baby.
Meet the Spartan Gear Testers
Ben Kar
Ben Kar, 30, is in tech sales in northern Michigan. He trains via hiking, cycling and paddlesports, and tries to spend as much time outdoors in all weather conditions as possible. Until Spartan Races resume, he mostly bags local hikes in preparation for several backpacking and bikepacking trips per year.
Why Having the Right Gear Matters to Ben: “The cross training helps to activate different muscle groups and keeps training interesting,” he says. “It's important to have a variety of clothes to meet the performance demands of training — from extreme temperatures, like hot and humid to cold, windy and rainy days. You don't know what the conditions will be like out there, so it's important to have the right gear and be comfortable for whatever Mother Nature throws at you.”
Where He Went & How He Tested: Ben, due for a knee MRI next week, wouldn’t let that stop him from crushing a workout at the Wildwood Preserve MetroPark near Toledo, Ohio. Consider his adventure “urban outdoors” for weekend warriors at their finest. He followed a river system for three miles hiking through ankle-deep mud and loose gravel in 40-degree weather and blustery winds.
Evan Dawood
Evan Dawood, 30, is a chemical engineer in Louisiana. To placate pandemic boredom, he built an OCR in his backyard, just for the hell of it. (And to stay in killer Spartan shape, of course.) He prefers resistance training to stay on top of his game. Plus, he’s looking ahead to Spartan Race Ogden, UT in 2021 to tackle the Hurricane Heat.
Why Having the Right Gear Matters to Evan: “I love resistance training in a series to produce aerobic effects at the same time, and I love working out outdoors and utilizing body weight to produce compound results,” he says. “For me, it’s about proper planning. You can’t predict the weather tomorrow, and trips and races are planned in advance. Proper preparation prevents poor performance. I train if it’s sunny outside, I train if it’s pouring outside. I train in extreme winds. As long as it’s safe to train, I will be out there. Having the right gear for the conditions — from breathability to heat retention or release, to durability and fit — is crucial to comfort and makes the difference between a miserable experience and a euphoric experience in the great outdoors.”
Where He Went & How He Tested: Evan hit the Bayou Savage Ridge Trail and Jean Lafitte National Historic Park and Preserve outside of New Orleans to crush a total of 14 grueling miles over swampy, humid, marshland full of gators (yes, alligators!). Between miles, he crushed out sets of 15 pull ups (using a tree branch), 30 pushups and 100m sprints setting distance measurements with landmarks.
Spartan by CRAFT Cold-Weather Gear Tested in the Field
We sent these guys out with a whole getup to put through the wringer, starting with the RD Pro trail shoe featuring all-terrain traction, lightweight flexibility and superior drainage. For apparel, we hooked them up with the Charge Tech Sweat Hoodie, Eaze LS Half Zip, Charge Tech Tee, Grit Jogger, Deft 2.0 Comfort Short, Hybrid Vest and the Eaze Tight, all featuring the latest technology in sweat-wicking breathability, built-in ventilation, temperature control, comfort and compression (in the tight).
(Note: Ladies, we custom curated the pieces tested from the men’s selection, but you can find all of the women’s versions of the product right in the Spartan Shop, too.)
Testing & Training Takeaways: The Recap Q&A
The Kicks
SPARTAN RACE: So guys, how did the RD Pro kicks hold up — from chilly midwestern mud to humid southern swampland?
BEN KAR: The durability and construction on materials were top notch. The lug and tread pattern is definitely suitable for all-terrain conditions and I have no complaints at all with breathability. The lacing system was superb. I would also be interested to see a variation with wheel lacing.
EVAN DAWOOD: I pushed the shoes through some muddier areas of the trails to test their stamina to bushwhack, as well as the ability to dry once they were wet. (All good there.) I particularly liked the lacing on the shoes, which allows you to easily adjust the tightness around the foot. This means you can adjust the tightness in real time versus laces which have a set level and not draw-string type. It also makes taking the shoes off for a quick minute easy, to let your foot relax in the middle of a long run or hike. This is a huge convenience.
The Apparel Favorites
SPARTAN RACE: What were your favorite pieces of gear and how did Spartan by CRAFT’s advanced technology help enhance your workout?
BEN KAR: For me, it’s hands down the Grit Joggers. They kept me warm into the low 40s during my workout. I’ve also worn them cycling and lounging. The fit is perfect and the light stretch makes them ideal as a warm-up pant or workout pant as the temperature drops and the wind picks up
I also liked the Hybrid Vest because it helps to keep my core temperature regulated. The back of the vest is made of lighter material to help my back breathe and the front helps to keep the wind off my core. I have also used this as an outer layer while cycling in temperatures 38-50 degrees. For me temperature regulation is a huge challenge and I prefer materials that can breathe. I typically purchase natural materials like wool or wool with some synthetic blend. I love layering materials, so having a few different layers for when conditions change is also important. Packability and overall weight is also a factor.
EVAN DAWOOD: I liked the Eaze LS Half Zip shirt for its ability to block the sun and keep my skin cool. It was able to wick sweat well and withstand my sweat, and I sweat a lot. Breathability is a huge factor for me, having just relocated to Louisiana from the midwestern climate (and more variable temps) that I’m used to. My biggest driver tends to be comfort and the ability to wick sweat. When I find gear I like, I tend to stick with that gear and repurchase it as it wears. You need to be comfortable on these adventures.
The Eaze Tight was my second favorite — they had a nice tight fit and were incredibly comfortable. The degree of compression was just right and really kept the blood moving during higher intensity workouts.
On Training During Covid
SPARTAN RACE: What adventures have you bagged this year that you’re especially proud of, and what are your continued fitness goals?
BEN KAR: As someone who is active, and has been my whole life, I have used the last decade to get more into hiking. Due to a lot of former contact sports joint injuries, I have taken up some lower-impact endurance activities like cycling and bikepacking. This helps as a way to cross train for big hikes without dedicating so much time to just walking. I am currently 30 and working in software sales so as my body ages, and with injuries, I am getting back into strength training and flexibility training to complement cycling and hiking. I prefer activities that don't just feel like a workout and by transitioning to outdoors activities it helps me to be in nature and feel the seasons, which provides relaxation as well.
As I enter my 30s, I want my fitness goals to be in alignment with my travel goals. For example, getting a group of friends together and training for a hike through a national park. I want to be more comfortable with backcountry skills and take on trips that require more training and planning. This past summer, I went on a three day, 50-mile hike through Isle Royale National Park that renewed my interest in pursuing this goal. I would like to see at least one national park per year, and hopefully see all of them within a lifetime. It's a goal that will help to keep me fit, year in and year out.
EVAN DAWOOD: I officially did my first backpacking trip in August and started trail running. My training started in the beginning of May for a backpacking trip across Isle Royale, the Porcupine Mountains and Pictured Rocks that Ben and I did together, where we covered 128 miles in nine days. I guess it was true baptism by fire, but I was hooked.
I’m currently training for a Spartan Race in Utah next year that I hope to couple with some backpacking after the race. I also train for the love of training and to promote self progression. Drive needs to come from within for it to be sustainable.
SPARTAN RACE: What is it about being a Spartan in training, and maintaining a hardcore lifestyle, that helps you power through these uncertain times?
BEN KAR: Through the uncertainty of this year, a lot of my friends and I used this time to focus on our health goals which included eating right and being committed to our physical training. Having a goal like training for a race can give you something to look forward to and create a compelling future which helps you through uncertain times. In the day to day, keeping in tune with your body helps to work towards a more stable mind.
EVAN DAWOOD: It’s an energy that is hard to explain. It goes back to that internal fire or driver. The pain feels like progress and the progress feels good so it’s like an endless loop. If I’m going to train, I’m going to train hard and that’s simply my attitude.
SPARTAN RACE: There's no denying that training has pivoted immensely with Covid, so how has getting outside helped your mental health, stamina, grit, determination, perseverance and inner stability?
BEN KAR: Since gyms are closed, we saw a huge explosion in bicycle usage this year. I think cycling and hiking helped me through this year by providing me a goal to look forward to: a hiking and bikepacking trip. I found that my friends who maintained a consistent workout and self-care practice through 2020 had a much more positive outlook on life. The times in my life where I prioritized regular exercise also yielded a more stable regulation in my mood. By having something you can count on in life, like your gym time, workout class, running buddy, or even nightly walk, it keeps you centered while benefiting your mind and body.
EVAN DAWOOD: I feel most comfortable outdoors anyways and prefer the streets to the treadmill. Covid only made it more natural for me and forced me to get minimal equipment to sustain a good regimen with the gyms closed. I learned to use elastic bands and lower weights to successfully add muscle and progress. I use a weighted vest, at times, up to 60 lbs, to help increase resistance, especially during walking.
Overall, Covid has pushed me further and made me realize that everything is possible with a few affordable workout tools readily available. I would encourage more people to think outside the box when it comes to their workouts. Get outside and get some sunshine as it will stabilize mentality and reset even in the worst of times. The sun has healing abilities and is a crucial part of my routine.
Editor’s Note: This interview has been edited for clarity.