How Our Partners Are Helping the Community and Giving Back During the COVID-19 Crisis

This has been a devastating few months for all of us, and we're working hard to keep people healthy, fit, and focused during this unprecedented period. We've also tried to do our part to give back, providing a portion of proceeds from the sale of our face masks to charities supporting healthcare workers nationwide. We've also donated ponchos and headbands, and helped form the Endurance Sports Coalition, which you can read about here.
We want to highlight what some of our partners are doing to help and give back to the community. Check out the deals and offers below. We are all in this together!
The Company: Craft Sportswear
The Initiative: Supporting Local Retailers and a Discount for Medical Professionals
How They're Helping, and What They're Offering: Craft is stepping up to support local retailers during these uncertain times. Any customer placing an order on can designate their favorite local retailer at check-out, and 20 percent of the retail sale will go back to you, the local retailer. All details are located on the site's homepage. And click here to read about the discount for medical professionals.
The Company: FITAID
The Initiative: Giving the Gym Community a Financial Boost
How They're Helping, and What They're Offering: LIFEAID is doing something to help local gyms survive this difficult time. They're giving back $15 in cash for every 24-can purchase you make as gym members when you shop under your gym’s name at Plus, you'll receive $5 off a case! Simply shop and share this link to help the community.
The Company: USAA
The Initiative: Returning $520 Million to Members
How They're Helping, and What They're Offering: Every member with an auto insurance policy in effect as of March 31, 2020 will receive a 20 percent credit on two months of premiums in the coming weeks. All told, the company is returning about $520 million.
The Company: ASHOC Energy
The Initiative: Donating to Essential Workers
How They're Helping, and What They're Offering: ASHOC has delivered over 40,000 cans of product to essential workers in seven states to keep workers energized. This includes workers at hospitals, fire departments, and police departments, delivery drivers, and factories developing PPE equipment.
The Company: Lazarus Naturals
The Initiative: Assistance Programs for Veterans and Those on Disability
How They're Helping, and What They're Offering: Lazarus Naturals is striving to make its products accessible to everyone. To that end, they're offering 60 percent off to veterans, individuals on long-term disability, and low-income households.
The Company: Athletic Brewing Company
The Initiative: Providing Relief to Restaurants
How They're Helping, and What They're Offering: Athletic Brewing Co. is donating 10 percent of all online sales to the Restaurant Employee Relief Fund to support industry employees directly affected by COVID-19.
The Company: Liquid I.V.
The Initiative: Free Products to Multiply Hydration, Sleep, and Energy
How They're Helping, and What They're Offering: Liquid I.V. is providing free hydration, sleep, and Energy Multiplier products to healthcare workers, first responders, hospitals, and organizations on the front lines of this global health crisis. To date, they’ve donated over 300,000 servings, and counting.
The Company: Darn Tough
The Initiative: Supporting the Military and First Responders
How They're Helping, and What They're Offering: Darn Tough has closed down the majority of its operations due to the Vermont stay-at-home order, but is continuing to build essential orders for the military, law enforcement, and critical first responders. "We’ve had a long-standing commitment to do so," they said, "and we are proud that we are, and will always, continue those efforts."
The Company: JUNK Brands
The Initiative: Helping Feed America and Making Medical Masks
How They're Helping, and What They're Offering: They are donating 100 percent of their profits from their Social Distancing Headbands to the Feeding America COVID-19 Response Fund. They have also shifted a portion of their operations to focus on making medical masks, to be donated strictly to healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals can request donations here.