Is Building Your Own Business Worth the Risk? Here's What 2 CEOs Say.
Research shows that over 60% of Americans have drummed up a business idea in their lifetime, yet a whopping 92% of those entrepreneur hopefuls never follow through on their intentions. According to Brian Scudamore, CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK and author of BYOB: Build Your Own Business, Be Your Own Boss, many of them either want to be their own boss, or simply strive to build something of value. But when it comes down to the wire, lack of funding and business-specific knowledge deter all but 8%.
Related: 3 Simple Philosophies Every Company Needs to Follow to Be Successful
On this episode of the Spartan Up! podcast, Scudamore and Spartan CEO Joe De Sena discuss the risks behind building your own business from scratch, along with whether it's all worth it in the end.
Listen to the podcast in its entirety below.
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