Everyday Spartan: How Sophia Thussbas Overcame Injury with a Positive Mental Attitude

To live BOLD every day is something many say but few actually do. Except for Sophia Thussbas. As an Everyday Spartan, Sophia may seem like your everyday kind of gal, but in truth, she is a badass woman with an extraordinary set of goals and a blazing fire in her heart to reach them.
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How Sophia Thussbas Became a Spartan
In September of 2017, Sophia set out to race her first Spartan Beast. A few of her Cross Fit buddies encouraged her to sign up—and she said yes. “I love saying yes and trying new things,” Sophia says. “My final results were poor but the most important thing for me was that I came into the Spartan way of life and “never give up” quickly became my life quote.”
Her time on that first Beast: 6 hours and 59 minutes. Fast forward one year and Sophia nearly cut that time in half, racing her latest Beast in just 3 hours and 47 minutes. In a short time, Sophia went from tackling her first Spartan to competing at the Elite level.
“I never give up,” Sophia says. “I rely on myself. I believe in my dreams. I face every struggle. I overcome every obstacle. I do what has to be done and I LOVE what I do.”
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Sophia Thussbas' Injury Setback
Since catching the Spartan spirit after that first race, her desire to push her limits and achieve new heights has been at the forefront of her performance. Sophia’s determination has never wavered but it has definitely been tested. Recently, Sophia fractured her leg (a stress fracture, due to overuse and under-recovery). For a powerhouse whose ‘never give up’ mentality has propelled her forward, this injury felt like a setback.
“All of my dreams, my plans for this year… gone,” she says. “I wanted a top ten result in Tahoe. I wanted a top five result in Sparta. I wanted to travel to more places and race…and now?”
Sophia’s attitude at first mirrored what many of us feel when an obstacle appears in our picture-perfect plan: frustration. “My initial response was ‘why me? Why now?’ Thousands and thousands of thoughts like these came up to my mind in the first days after the surgery. It was not always easy to keep my mind positive, and staying in a good temper was very demanding.”
How Sophia Thussbas Reset Her Mental Game
And then, just as quickly as her rise to the top, her mental game shifted. Sophia’s true Spartan spirit of resilience, grit, and optimism bubbled back up to the surface. “My thoughts changed really fast. Within two days I had my positive mindset back. Because we are Spartans, we never give up, we are unbreakable and stay positive!”
One of the most indicative elements of truly living like a Spartan lies in one’s ability to frame failure and struggle. Spartans don’t crumble under that which is difficult. They rise. And with this elevation comes new wisdom, new knowledge, new understanding of oneself and the way in which one operates. Sophia’s approach to her injury is a stellar example of such learning.
“Make the best out of the situation was the only solution that made sense. I learned to have a different view of things. I am more aware of what happens and what I do. I am clearer in my mind and have a better focus. Now, I listen closely to my body and use the time I have right now for other things.”
Related: What 8 Elite Spartans Tell Themselves to Stay Motivated
When asked what Sophia does with that time, she smiles and taps back into that burning heart of hers. “I read books, meet up with friends, think back to all the wonderful things that happened in the last months. There is no need to despair in my injury.”
Sophia’s story isn’t uncommon (injured athlete stalled in her path to greatness) but she is. Her positive outlook knows little bounds. She embraces the struggle that soars her way and moves through it with a determination that rivals any pure optimist.
“I believe in my dreams and do what I love. I always want to be the best version of myself and get better every day.” We think this version of Sophia is pretty awesome. Superwoman by day, Everyday, albeit extraordinary, Spartan by night.