Speed Play: Fartlek Running for Top Conditioning

This Monday we'll start off week 2 with a solid dose of Fartlek running. "Fartlek" is the Swedish word for "speed play" and, roughly speaking, is a running interval workout that isn't as tightly controlled as you might use in a standard track interval workout. Hence, Fartlek running is a nice thing to do on trails, golf courses and even sand.
That's how you'll start week 2 of this month's training cycle. The functional movement theme we began with Week 1 will continue, with some cool movements designed to help you activate and train a wide spectrum of movement patterns--all translating to more speed, more power and more performance.
Day 1: Fartlek
Run x 9 min Fartlek (Run x 2min at comfortable aerobic effort, run x 1 min at approximately mile race pace effort, continue repeating until you reach 9 minutes)
Bodyweight squat x 10
Strength Band squat x 10
Bodyweight step-up x 10 (5 each side)
Sandbag deadlift x 10 (5 each side)
Run x 9min Fartlek (Run x 2min at comfortable aerobic effort, run x 1min at appx mile race pace effort, continue repeating until you reach 9min)
Side lunge x 10 (5 each side)
Side lunge w banded resistance x 10 (5 each side)
Slam balls x 10
Dead ball shoulder over x 8
Run x 9min Fartlek (Run x 2min at comfortable aerobic effort, run x 1min at appx mile race pace effort, continue repeating until you reach 9min)
Day 2: Strength Band Lat Pulldown
Run x 4min at comfortable aerobic effort
Lying Pallof Press x 12
Battle Rope Row x 12
Push-up w/ around the world touches x 5
Half kneeling slam to press 10
Run x 4min at comfortable aerobic effort
KB halos x 10 (5 each direction)
Strength Band Lat Pull Downs x 10 (5 each side)
Half Kneeling Single Arm Rows (5 each side)
Day 3: Sandbag Burpees
Strength band burpees
One leg burpee
Burpee to slam
One leg burpee to slam
Sandbag Burpee
Today will be a ladder workout. Work your way up from 1 rep to 10 and repeat this twice. When you’re done finish off with a 12 min run
Day 4: Recovery Run
Adding 2 minutes every week to your recovery run
Run x 22min at comfortable aerobic effort – if indoors, go with 15% incline on a treadmill)
Day 5: Sandbag Cleans
3 rounds, 2 circuits
Strength band backward lunge x 20 (10 each leg)
Sandbag clean x 10
Side to side squat jump w/ band resistance x 10
Dead Ball carry (shoulder or front carry) x 15 meters
followed by burpees x 5
Slam Ball swings w/Strength Band resistance x 20
Slam or Dead Ball step-ups x 20 (10 each side)
25 m Forward bear crawl
Day 6: Kettlebell Alternating Row
4 rounds:
Run x 4min at comfortable aerobic effort
Battle Rope Trunk Rotation Swing x 20 (10 each side)
Battle Rope Upper Cut punch x 20 (10 each side)
Strength band assisted pull-up x 5
Shoulder taps x 8
Kettlebell alternating row x 20 (10 each side)
Run x 4min at comfortable aerobic effort
Slam Ball partner sit-up x 20
Hanging Knee Raise to Burpee
Day 7: Mobility
Take the day off from training. Get in some active recovery, yoga and/or mobility work.