Crush Your Week: 5 Bodyweight Core Workouts

It's no secret that a large part of your success in a Spartan race depends on stable core muscles, so this week's workouts, courtesy of Spartan SGX Coach Bassam Saeed, are all about core values.
These five circuit workouts concentrate on the abdominals and obliques, as well as lower and upper body workouts and incorporate functional core strength, metabolic conditioning, and endurance to build a comprehensive core.
What are the benefits of core workouts?
Maintaining a strong, stable core is essential to not only crushing obstacle course races, but also in avoiding injury and staying mobile into older age. The following are great reasons to grab a resistance band and try this week's core workouts.
- Improving posture and agility
- Reducing back pain and injury
- Improving balance and coordination
- Reduced risk of falling
- Increased mobility into older age
Workout: Sweat Machine
One Tabata-style circuit, done for 8 rounds in a 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off style. Rest for 10 seconds between exercises and 0 seconds between rounds. Rest for one minute after 8 rounds, then hold a plank for as long as you can, for as many rounds as you can within 5 minutes.
Circuit I
- Icky shuffle (ladder drill)
- Reach for the sky crunch
- Burpees
- Russian Twist
Circuit II
- AMRAP max-hold plank for 5 minutes
Workout: Legs of Steel
One circuit done for 3 rounds with 45 seconds of work for each exercised, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
- Side shuffles
- Sumo squats
- Flutter kicks
- Core windshield wipers
- Single-leg bridges
- Ab hollow holds
Workout: Go Hard or Go Home
One circuit done for 3 rounds with 45 seconds of work for each exercised, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
- Plank ups
- Spiderman push-ups
- Heel taps
- Shoulder taps
- Burpees
- Plank
Workout: Raising Hell
One circuit done for 3 rounds with 45 seconds of work for each exercised, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- Jumping jacks
- Bicycle crunches
- Mountain climbers
- Burpees
- Plank walk-outs
Workout: The Grand Finale
A 20-25 AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) with no rests between rounds. As a finisher at the end, hold a plank for 1 minute.
- 15 Russian twists
- 15 hips raises
- 15 alternating heel touches
- 15 seated scissor kicks
- 15 alternating bird dogs
MORE: How to Do These 8 Great Core Strengthening Exercises