Stadium Sprint Training Plan: Day 16 - HIIT

Welcome back to your High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout, Spartan. We are continuing to build our aerobic threshold. Today, instead of increasing the number of rounds that we are doing, we will drop our recovery rounds in half. This will give your body less time to adjust between sprints, thus improving your energy utilization and improving your aerobic conditioning.
Because we are working our technique and precision this week, challenge yourself to more Spartan Race Stadium Series obstacle-specific drills. Slam your ball. Grab a weighted jump rope. Sprint up the stairs. Box jump. Mimic movements that you will need to repeat continuously throughout the race. This will make you more effective on and off of the obstacles.
Main Set
5 Minute Jog
24 Rounds
- 30 Seconds of Sprints* (8-9 RPE)
- 15 Seconds of Rest (0-2 RPE)
2 Minute Jog
*Sprints is a relative term for max cardio of your choosing
Cool Down
Pull out your favorite Acumobility SPARTAN Ball or Acumobility SPARTAN Eclipse Roller. Spend anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes on each muscle, depending on tightness. Depending on what form of HIIT you did, your muscle tightness may vary. Use soreness and body aches as a guide to find the right muscle groups to release.
Ready for tomorrow?
Spartan Stadium Sprint Plan: Day 17
Start Stadium Sprint Training Plan from the beginning?
Spartan Sprint Training Plan: Day 1
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