28-Day Spartan Bootcamp powered by Power Systems: Week 2

Presented by Spartan Training®

Spartan Elite Coach Yancy Culp teamed up with Power Systems to craft a progressive plan to make you race ready. Grab your Power Systems gear available at our merch store and get moving at your home or gym.

Each week introduces a new piece of Power Systems equipment, elevating the workouts and activating your full body to best prepare you for some of the toughest Spartan obstacles.

This week we will incorporate a slam ball into our routines.


Day 1:

Band resistance burpee x 12 Slam Ball bent row x 12 Slam Ball hip circle x 12 (6 each direction) Seated Slam Ball incline press x 12 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 2:

Band resistance burpee x 12 Slam Ball slam x 12 Band resistance squat w/Slam Ball overhead press x 12 Side to side squat jump w/Slam Ball resistance x 12 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 3:

Burpee x 12 Band assisted pull-up x 12 Band assisted shoulder tap x 12 Band resistance Bear row x 12 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 4:

Band resistance skip x 30sec, resistance run x 2min, resistance skip x 30se Band resistance burpee x 20 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds (for rounds 2 & 3 drop burpees down to 10 reps) *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension

Day 5:

Slam Ball Burpees x 12 Side to side squat jump w/Slam Ball slam x 12 Band resistance squat w/ Slam Ball overhead press Band resistance bear row x 12 (6 each arm) This completes 1 round. Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 6:

Slam Ball sit-up to slam to burpee to slam x 12 Band assisted pull-up x 12 Band assisted shoulder tap x 12 Band assisted kneeling step-up w/Slam Ball overhead press x 12 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 7:

Band resistance skip x 30sec, resistance run x 2min, resistance skip x 30sec Band resistance burpee x 20 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds (for rounds 2 & 3 drop burpees down to 10 reps) *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension