
We Gave Mark Cuban 7 Major Problems Facing the World Right Now. He Told Us How He'd Solve Them.

Presented by Spartan Training®

When billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban joined the Spartan Up! podcast, Spartan founder and CEO Joe De Sena didn't waste any time picking his brain for solutions — for everything.

The Shark Tank star and owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks addressed how he would solve some pressing problems, covering everything from fitness to childhood obesity to marketing Spartan races to the idea of mandatory service in America. 

De Sena asked the legendary investor and media personality how he would handle seven major problems facing the world right now, and Cuban gave his unique perspective on every one of them.

The interview starts with Cuban explaining what it's really like to be a billionaire, before attempting to solve each of these eight conundrums.

  • How would he handle COVID and the return of major events, including Spartan races and NBA games?
  • How would he handle the gaping political divide in our country right now?
  • How would he solve the current health crisis, and get people away from unhealthy food and sugar?
  • How would he combat childhood obesity?
  • What does he think about some kind of mandatory service, or rite of passage, in America?
  • How would he improve the United States' educational system?
  • How would he market Spartan races, and further our mission of ripping 100 million people off the couch?

Related: Real Estate Investor Grant Cardone Talks Candidly With Spartan Founder Joe De Sena

Listen to the podcast in its entirety below.

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