Happiness Follows a Predictable Equation. Do This to Unlock It.

Presented by Spartan Training®

Happiness, like fitness, is something that you can build. So says entrepreneur Mo Gawdat, the author of Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy and the former Chief Business Officer of Google X. These days, the 53-year-old is on a mission to teach the art and practice of happiness.

After experiencing a uniquely devastating and tragic event — the death of his son —Gawdat was inspired to understand the formula of happiness. Happiness, he says, follows a predictable equation.

"You can actually follow an algorithm, similar to the idea of if I eat healthy and work out, I'll be fitter," he explains. "If I make happiness my priority and do the work, I'll be happier."

Related: 3 Things the Stoics Can Teach You About Happiness

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