3 Trainer-Approved Methods to Make Your Workouts 20% Tougher

3 Trainer-Approved Methods to Make Your Workouts 20% Tougher
Presented by Spartan Training®

There are countless ways to make a workout tougher: increase the resistance (or weight) you use, increase the time you’re doing the work, decrease your rest intervals, etc. Instead of guessing — or just doing more for the hell of doing more — follow the lead of our Master Coaches.

Here are the three ways they chose to make theirs tougher in our latest release of exclusive workouts on the Spartan FIT app. Check them out below, then come train with the best. Download today.

Related: These 6 Master Coaches Will Get You Spartan FIT

1. Adjust Your Intervals

Take 3 exercises and do them each for 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Then, do those exercises again for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds. Then, do them for 60 seconds. And so on and so on. 

You could get a great workout if you just did those 3 exercises at 30 seconds intervals. Well, if you want one of your favorite workouts a little bit harder, here’s how to do it. Quite simply, make your work intervals longer with each round. 

4 Rounds

Round 1 — 20 seconds each exercise

Round 2 — 30 seconds each exercise

Round 3 — 45 seconds each exercise

Round 4 — 55 seconds each exercise

Circuit 1

— Dumbbell push press

— Dumbbell gorilla row

— Dumbbell bent-over reverse fly

— Plyometric push-ups

Circuit 2 (4 rounds: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)

— Burpee

— Alternating plank shoulder tap

Try Evan Betts' Tougher to Beat workout on the Spartan FIT app

2. Slow Down Your Movement Tempo

There are three main primary parts of an exercise: the concentric, isometric, and eccentric. Let’s take the squat for example: the eccentric is lowering down into the squat position, the isometric is the slight pause at the bottom, and concentric is coming out of the squat to the standing position. Slowing down the eccentric is where you’re really testing your strength and movement control. You can make light weights or even your own bodyweight seem very heavy by simply slowing down. To learn more about this technique, read about Time Under Tension (TUT). 

Circuit 1: 2 Rounds 

Round 1 — 30 seconds per exercise 

Round 2 — 45 seconds per exercise   

— Goblet split squat (3-second eccentric) 

— Strict overhead press (3-second eccentric) 

— Reverse lunge to overhead press 

— Goblet squat (3-second eccentric)  

— Single-arm gorilla row (3-second eccentric)  

Try Gabe Snow’s Under Control workout on the Spartan FIT app

3. Combine Exercises

Ways to Make Workouts Tougher

Thrusters are tough. Why? Because it’s a complex. It’s two primary Spartan movements — the squat and the press — combined. Burpees are tough too. Why? It’s the same principle. A squat, but then a jump with your arms overhead. Taking basic movements and combining them is a simple way to increase the difficulty or toughness of a workout.

Circuit 1 (1 round: 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off)

— Dumbbell alternating lateral lunge

— Dumbbell bent-over row

— Dumbbell deadlift

— Dumbbell alternating front raise

— Dumbbell squat to rotational press 

30-second break

Circuit 1 (1 round: 60 seconds on, 15 seconds off)

— Dumbbell alternating lateral lunge

— Dumbbell bent-over row

— Dumbbell deadlift

— Dumbbell alternating front raise

— Dumbbell squat to rotational press 

BURNOUT: Maximum burpees for 60 seconds

Try Trevor Franklin’s 20% More workout on the Spartan FIT app

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