Train for Power and Outsmart Your Mind With These Spartan FIT App Workouts

Train for Power and Outsmart Your Mind With These Spartan FIT App Workouts
Presented by Spartan Training®

Did you know that when you’re training for power, you’re actually outsmarting your mind?

“The brain only wants to give you the bare minimum of muscle fibers needed to do a certain task — it always wants to save something in reserve,” Chris Hinsaw, a top endurance coach who has worked with more than 30 CrossFit Games champions, said. “By doing high-power movements, the brain is forced to recruit more fibers, therefore sending the signal to the muscles to move quicker. That improves reaction time."

Related: These 6 Master Coaches Will Get You Spartan FIT

You’ve got the strength to move mountains and the endurance to go the distance. Do you have the power to explode ahead of the competition? Challenge yourself with these all-new Spartan FIT app workouts from our Spartan Coaches.

The Workouts

The 100s With Meg Reardon

Spartan Power Workouts

In this 30-minute workout with Meg Reardon, you’ll perform a series of movements for 100 repetitions each as quickly as possible. This is a full-body workout that builds power and strength. All you need is a medium or heavy dumbbell. Try it with Meg on the Spartan FIT app.

Perform the following exercises for 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off until 100 repetitions are completed.
- single arm DB devils press
- air squats
- single arm renegade rows
- butterfly sit ups

Double Dose With Trevor Franklin

Spartan Power Workouts

Another full-body workout for strength and power, this one from Trevor Franklin combines bodyweight exercises and kettlebell movements. Set aside 25 minutes and a single kettlebell. Try it with Trevor on the Spartan FIT app.

Complete 5 rounds every minute on the minute (EMOM)
- 10 KB Squat
- 10 jump squats

5 round EMOM
- 8 KB rows each side
- 10 pushups

5 round EMOM
- 10 KB counterbalance lunge
- 10 Jump lunges

Equal Ground With Gabe Snow

Spartan Power Workouts

Balance out your body from head to toe with this 20-minute full-body dumbbell workout with Gabe Snow. It includes dynamic strength, power, and endurance movements and requires one or two dumbbells. Try it with Gabe on the Spartan FIT app.

2 rounds, 30s per exercise 
- Alt. Standing Leg Cradle
- Inchworm
- Overhead Squat
- Seal Jack

Circuit 1: 4 Rounds, 30s each exercise 
- Standing DB plank
- Dual DB clean
- Dual DB Front squat
- Dual DB Push-press
1 Minute of Rest

Circuit 2: 4 Rounds, 30s each exercise
- Goblet Squat
- Standing DB march
- Tall kneeling Alt. Shoulder Press
- Bent-over Row

Power Play With Kristina Centeneri

Spartan Power Workouts

This 20-minute full-body kettlebell workout with Kristina Centeneri will improve your ability to move more explosively while building rock-solid stability. Grab a kettlebell to get this one done. Try it with Kristina on the Spartan FIT app.

Warm-up: Perform 2 times
Shoulder Circles: 30 seconds/direction
Deadbug: 30 seconds
Isometric Bear Hold with Shoulder Tap: 30 seconds alternating sides

The Main Workout: Complete 2 times
Perform each movement for 45 seconds each move with minimal rest between exercises.
- Alternating Clean to Rotational Press
- DB jump squats to Goblet Squat
- Half Kneeling Power Press
- Plank Drag-throughs
- Weighted Dead Bug 

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