28 Day Spartan Bootcamp Powered by Power Systems: Week 4

Week 4
For our final week, we go all out. It's about power and strength. Grab all the Power Systems gear we've already used, and get ready to meet the Dead Ball.
Yancy Culp has designed this final week of our 28-day Spartan Bootcamp to push you to your limits so that you are ready for any obstacle that confronts you
Day 1:
Dead Ball burpee x 10 Dead Ball seated incline press x 10 Band assistance pull-up x 10 (complete as many as possible without band assistance) Band assistance shoulder taps x 10 (complete as many as possible without band assistance) This completes 1 round. Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 120 reps
Day 2:
Dead Ball shoulder over burpee x 10 Band resistance hip hinge x 10 Dead Ball dead lift & carry x 20yd (10yd down & back) Dead Ball step-up x 10 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds (carry stays 20yd for all 4 rounds) *Total 120 reps
Day 3:
One legged burpees Band resistance one arm lat row x 10 (5 each arm) Band resistance one arm row x 10 (5 each arm) Band resistance face pull x 10 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds *Total 120 reps
Day 4:
Band resistance skip x 30sec, resistance run x 4min, resistance skip x 30sec Band resistance burpee x 10 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension
Day 5:
Burpee box jump over x 10 Dead Ball shoulder over x 10 Dead Ball shoulder to squat x 10 Band resistance squat w/Dead Ball overhead press x 10 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension
Day 6:
Burpee x 10 Band resistance lateral row x 10 (5 each side) Band assisted pull-up x 10 (complete as many as possible without band assistance) Band resistance bear row x 10 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension
Day 7:
Band resistance skip x 30sec, resistance run x 4min, resistance skip x 30sec Band resistance burpee x 10 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension ***Finisher – Burpee x 20 for time*** *If you complete all 28 days + the Finisher, you will have completed 1000 burpees. Enjoy!
To begin this bootcamp: Week 1: 28-Day Bootcamp Powered by Power Systems